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Welcome to the Laser Lounge, a professional and friendly laser hair removal clinic in Hereford. We have been born out of many conversations with friends and family regarding laser hair removal, the dreaded hairy monster, and keeping it at bay!
Approximately five years ago, I treated myself to Laser hair removal and I’ve never looked back. The results were phenomenal, and it was life changing!…So, you can imagine our bewilderment when some of our friends and family didn’t report good results. We made it our mission to find out why, and it transpired it was all down to the machine they had used.
There are many laser machines out there now, and prices vary, but if you are serious about getting laser hair removal, please do your research. It really will depend on whether you have good results or not. Don’t be tempted by low cost offers, as you may end up paying more in the long run to get the results you desire. Always look for a medical grade laser device, and one which has a good reputation within the industry for producing results, alongside safety and sound clinical research.
Why we started laser hair removal
This experience, and hair reduction had been so fantastic, that we wanted to re-create this for other people. There was absolutely no way I was going to choose any other hair removal machine, than the best – Candela Gentlemax Pro Plus. If it’s good enough for the Kardashians, it’s good enough for Herefordshire!
We look forward to welcoming you to the Laser Lounge, Hereford, which is based in the beautiful area of Bartestree. The clinic is easily accessible, modern, and private with off road parking.
For some, hair removal can be a daunting experience, which is why we specifically ensure your visit will be bespoke, with no waiting room full of wandering eyes.
Our laser treatments
Laser hair removal
Laser hair removal is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures, and one of the fastest growing treatments, as we all seek to be hair free.
Skin Rejuvenation
The Gentle Max Pro Plus can deliver laser light at wavelengths ideally suited to the treatment of these problems of colour, as they are easily absorbed by haemoglobin and melanin without affecting the surrounding skin.