Armpit before laser hair removal treatment

Blog – Top tips for the best laser hair removal results.

If you’re considering laser hair removal or currently undergoing treatment, it’s important to understand what it takes to achieve the best possible results. In this blog post, we thought we’d share some valuable tips to help you make the most of your laser hair removal experience….

Several Treatments Are Required: Laser hair removal isn’t a one-and-done solution. While you will notice significant improvements after a few sessions, achieving the maximum hair reduction  requires multiple treatments over time. The treatment program spans about 8 months because our body hair goes through different growth stages: anagen, catagen, and telogen hair cycles. Lasers are most effective at targeting hair follicles during the anagen phase, when hair is actively growing. To ensure every hair is treated effectively, you’ll need several sessions, typically spaced four to eight weeks apart. This gap allows the hair enough time to transition to the active growth phase, making it accessible for laser removal.

Avoid Excessive Sun Exposure: Factor 50 suncream should become your constant companion during laser hair removal treatments. Using the right suncream helps minimize the risk of disrupting your treatment program. Excessive sun exposure can hinder the process, so opt for a suncream that offers enhanced protection against the sun’s harmful rays. Remember that if you are sunburned or have tanned within 14 days of your treatment, your clinic may need to reschedule your session due to safety concerns. For a period after treatment, your skin becomes more sensitive to sun exposure so it is important to keep covered up or apply plenty of suncream.

Treatments Are Quick but Necessary: Laser hair removal sessions are relatively quick, ranging from 30 to 90 minutes, depending on the treated area and how much chatting takes place! It’s important to attend every scheduled appointment, even if you’ve already seen significant hair reduction. Consistency is key to achieving the best results in hair removal.

Shave the Treated Area Before Each Treatment: As a reminder, make sure to shave the area you’re treating 24 hours before your scheduled appointment. This step is essential for the laser to effectively target and destroy the hair follicle, ensuring a successful treatment.

The above information, and more should be covered in your pre-treatment consultation but always good to  be reminded so that you get the best possible treatment outcome.


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